Pest Animals

Scientific name
Common name
Felis catus
Canis familiaris
Vulpes vulpes
Mus musculus
House Mouse
Oryctalagus cuniculus
Rattus rattus
Cacatua galerita
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo

  Sambar deer                  Rusa Unicolour
  Fallow deer                   Dama Dama
Sherbrooke Forest lies within the Shire of Yarra Ranges.

For many years prior to 1996, predation of forest animals by local cats and (packs of) dogs, as well as by roaming foxes, was common.  In particular the lyrebird population had been shrinking at an alarming rate.

An approach to then Shire of Sherbrooke resulted in the Animal Control Local Law being enacted.  This requires residents to restrain animals in order to, amongst other things, "protect the welfare of native/indigenous wildlife, domestic and farm animals".  This law can be accessed on the Yarra Ranges Shire Council website.

Parks Victoria also has an agenda for controlling stray animals so that, all in all, we have been pleased to note an increase in lyrebird numbers over the years despite some continuing predation.  We can be certain of this as these birds are closely monitored by the Sherbrooke Lyrebird Study Group (SLSG).

Although there are no figures, we assume that other animals such as possums, smaller birds, antechinus and others will have been bothered less by introduced predators.
A pair of Sulphur Crested White Cockatoos destroying a recently-constructed car park barrier.
This cockatoo is sitting on top of what is left of a tree fern.  The birds have ripped out all of the fronds from what was until recently a large and healthy tree.
Not only cats, dogs and foxes a problem in the forest.  In recent years a population of sulphur-crested cockatoos has taken up residence in Sherbrooke forest.  Although they are Australian birds, they do not naturally occur in our area.  Their presence creates a problem both for local residents (who in recent months have been dealing with a dramatic increase in bird attacks on property) but the forest as well, where they have been observed damaging indigenous plants.